Re: [gtk-list] g_slist_length()?

>I have a list (a GSList constructed via g_slist_alloc()).
>I add five elements to the list, call
>g_slist_length(list), and I get SIX.

I think this is correct:

you get one node for g_slist_alloc + your five elements.

I guess the right way to do it in this case is not to use g_slist_alloc and
just append your elements
to the list.

Something like e.g. 

GSLIST *list = NULL;

g_slist_append( list, el);


/////////////////     Marcel Schaible
///////////    //     Dipl.-Informatiker
///////    // ///     Datablade Development Group
//////    // ////     Verity Datablade
/////    // /////     In my former life I was member of the 
////    // //////     famous ATG IUS Function Team
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