RE: [gtk-list] RE: Signal and event management.

> De: Thuau, Joachim <>
> Fecha: miércoles 2 de diciembre de 1998 23:32
> > is being designed for Object Pascal, our final idea is to make a clone
> > of Delphi (or something similar) 
> 	Ho man !!!! i wanted to read that almost a year now !!!
> 	Please let me know what you are doing, i am a delphi programmer
>          under Windows, and i am VERY interested in such a project 
> 	(maybe participate a little bit, with the little i know..  :-)

Hi !!!
It's nice to know that there are such entusiastic people out there.

Yes, you are welcome to help us, in fact any help is really welcome.
> 	How many are you ?

We are 10 active (I unknow the number of lurkers) promoters of the idea
(and coders), we are using FPC as our Object Pascal Compiler, it is very
near Delphi 4 and it is already done and best of all it works !!. 

> 	Hame many people do you think are interested in helping ?

Sorry I don't understand Harne. But any help is right, you know how much
people we are much more we can laught :)

> 	have you looked at Glade & gIDE ?

Yes, we have a patch for Glade, so it can generate ObjectPascal code
instead of C. 
gIDE, the last time I take a look at it, it seemed to be a work in early
stages (like we are now).

> if you want some help, just drop a message about that
> in the Borland.public.delphi newsgroup, you'll make some friends...  :-)
> (there have been quite some 'flame' on there about borland porting Delphi
> to XWindows...

I want to do it, but we have no gived the project enought publicity because
we are defining the building blocks needed, I'm writing a Megido (the name
of the project) HelloWorld, it needs very few (but important) things done
to get it working, mostly signal dispatching, I think that in two weeks we
can show the rest of the world the very first Megido app, with a very basic
MCL libraries, enought to get it working and show that our idea is possible
and asking for more help . In that moment I will promote it widely.
> a port to GTK means also that it will eventually be possible to use it
> under WindBlows...  

Yes this is our idea also, 

> 	(sorry for that many question at once, but i am pretty excited by
>          such a good news !!!)

Ok. Don't worry

We have some web pages (absolutely outdated) in and a mailing list
in you can subscribe with  a
"subscribe megido <yourname@yourdomain> end "in the body of the message.

> Joachim 'Yolk' Thuau
> x6514
>        ,,,
>       (6 6)
> ---oOOo-U-oOOo---
> Big brother is watching you !!

Yes I know it !!!  I feel him everyday (mostly when I use Windoze :) )

Bye..... for now.

Microsoft does have a Year 2000 problem. We're it. 

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