RE: [gtk-list] Signal and event management.

> Hi all,
> I'm new in this list, this is my first post, and I do it because I have
> some doubts that need expert advice.
> A group of friends an me, are working on yet another OO wrapper for Gtk,
> it
> is being designed for Object Pascal, our final idea is to make a clone of
> Delphi (or something similar) 
	[Thuau, Joachim]  Ho man !!!! i wanted to read that almost a year
now !!!

	Please let me know what you are doing, i am a delphi programmer
under Windows, and i am VERY interested in such a project 
	(maybe participate a little bit, with the little i know..  :-)

	How many are you ?
	Hame many people do you think are interested in helping ?
	have you looked at Glade & gIDE ?
	(sorry for that many question at once, but i am pretty excited by
such a good news !!!)

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