Re: [gtk-list] Gnome-trouble in RedHat 5.1 distribution

First, discussion of GNOME is more suited to

The version of GNOME on the 5.1 cd is 0.13, while the latest GNOME version is
Maybe trying a more recent version will fix this problem.
However, I recommend trying 0.20, as it seems to have less problems associated
with it.

See for more info.


Eivind Trondsen wrote:

> Hello everyone
> I installed gnome "out of the box" from the RedHat5.1 CD, on a freshly
> set up system. To my dissappointment very few of the apps work. I get
> errors like this:
> gnomecal: error in loading shared libraries
>: undefined symbol: gtk_calendar_freeze
> and
> gtt: error in loading shared libraries
>: undefined symbol: gnome_dialog_close_hides
> I realize this may be a FAQ, but I have tried hard to find a solution. I
> tried upgrading gtk to 1.0.5 with no improvement.
> The panel works though.... :-)
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> --
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