Re: [gtk-list] Gtk tutorial and reference

This is a patch against gtk.texi in 1.1.0. I presume, it did not change
in 1.1.1?


*** gtk.texi.orig	Mon May 11 03:16:09 1998
--- gtk.texi	Mon Aug  3 23:58:52 1998
*** 211,217 ****
  used to compute this value.
! The @code{class_init_func} field is a callback which is used by the type
  mechanism to initialize class specific fields. The single argument this
  function takes is a pointer to a class structure.
--- 211,217 ----
  used to compute this value.
! The @code{class_init_func} field is a callback which is used by the type
  mechanism to initialize class specific fields. The single argument this
  function takes is a pointer to a class structure.
*** 1205,1250 ****
  @subsection Options
  @defopt layout_style
  @itemize @bullet
- @itemize @bullet
- @end itemize
- @item
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD} will spread the buttons out
  evenly within the button box. When the parent window is resized they will
  re-adjust to the new window dimensions. The @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing}
  function will set the minimum space that the buttons will leave between
- @itemize @bullet
- @end itemize
- @item
- @itemize @bullet
- @end itemize
- @item
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_START} will place the buttons at the
  start of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the
  @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing} function. The buttons will not move
  when the parent window is re-sized. 
- @itemize @bullet
- @end itemize
- @item
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_END} will place the buttons at the
  end of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the
  @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing} function. Again like the
  @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_START} layout style the buttons will not move when
  the parent window is re-sized.
  @end itemize
  @end defopt
--- 1205,1236 ----
  @subsection Options
  @defopt layout_style
  @itemize @bullet
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD} will spread the buttons out
  evenly within the button box. When the parent window is resized they will
  re-adjust to the new window dimensions. The @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing}
  function will set the minimum space that the buttons will leave between
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_START} will place the buttons at the
  start of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the
  @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing} function. The buttons will not move
  when the parent window is re-sized. 
  The layout style @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_END} will place the buttons at the
  end of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the
  @code{gtk_button_box_set_spacing} function. Again like the
  @code{GTK_BUTTONBOX_START} layout style the buttons will not move when
  the parent window is re-sized.
  @end itemize
  @end defopt
*** 1331,1356 ****
  @subsection Description
! A pressable button.  Contains a widget.  Changes its appearance
! (hilites) when it gets the focus.  Changes its appearance (pressed) when
! activated.  Derived from @pxref{GtkContainer}.
  @subsection Signals
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::pressed (GtkButton *@var{button})
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::released (GtkButton *@var{button})
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::clicked (GtkButton *@var{button})
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::enter (GtkButton *@var{button})
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::leave (GtkButton *@var{button})
  @end deftypefn
  @subsection Functions
--- 1317,1347 ----
  @subsection Description
! A pressable button. Contains an arbitrary widget inside, most frequently
! @pxref{GtkLabel} or @pxref{GtkPixmap}. Changes its appearance (hilites) 
! when it gets the focus and when it is activated (pressed). Derived from
! @pxref{GtkContainer}.
  @subsection Signals
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::pressed (GtkButton *@var{button})
+ Emitted when user presses the button.
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::released (GtkButton *@var{button})
+ Emitted when the button is released.
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::clicked (GtkButton *@var{button})
+ Emitted when the button is clicked upon.
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::enter (GtkButton *@var{button})
+ Emitted when the buttons gets the focus.
  @end deftypefn
  @deftypefn Signal void GtkButton::leave (GtkButton *@var{button})
+ Emitted when a pointer the button looses the focus.
  @end deftypefn
  @subsection Functions
*** 1490,1503 ****
  @subsection Description
! A list of rows of columns, with a title row.  You can insert rows, and
! delete rows.  The user can scroll around and select a row.  Derived from
! @pxref{GtkContainer}.  Cells can be empty, have a text and/or pixmap, or
! be a widget.
  @subsection Options
  @subsection Signals
  @subsection Functions
--- 1481,1563 ----
  @subsection Description
! A list of rows of columns, with a possible title row. Cells in the rows can
! be text strings, pixmaps, both or arbitrary widgets. One can dinamically insert
! and delete the rows. The rows can be scrolled around and selected. This widget
! is derived from @pxref{GtkContainer}.
  @subsection Options
+ @defopt mode
+ Specifies selection mode. Can have one of the following values:
+ @itemize @bullet
+         @item GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE
+         @item GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE
+ @end itemize
+ @end defopt
+ @defopt hscrollbar_policy,vscrollbar_policy
+ These two options define when scrollbar is placed. If @code{GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC}
+ is specified, scrollbars will appear when they are needed. @code{GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS}
+ forces scrollbars to be attchached no matter whether they are needed or not.
+ @end defopt
+ @defopt justification
+ Specifies how to justify the text in a cell. Can have one of the following
+ values:
+ @itemize @bullet
+         @item GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT
+         @item GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT
+         @item GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER
+         @item GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL
+ @end itemize
+ @end defopt
  @subsection Signals
+ The following signals are emitted by the @code{GtkCList} widget. Their
+ names are rather self explanatory:
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::select_row (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::unselect_row (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::click_column (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::toggle_focus_row (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::select_all (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::unselect_all (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::undo_selection (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::start_selection (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::end_selection (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::toggle_add_mode (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::extend_selection (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::scroll_vertical (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::scroll_horizontal (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
+ @deftypefn Signal void GtkCList::abort_column_resize (GtkCList *@var{clist})
+ @end deftypefn
  @subsection Functions
*** 1513,1518 ****
--- 1573,1587 ----
  @deftypefun GtkWidget* gtk_clist_new_with_titles (int @var{columns}, gchar *@var{titles[]})
+ Create a new @code{GtkCList} initializing it with @var{columns} columns and a title
+ row of *@var{titles[]} which is just the array of strings: 
+ @example
+         char *title[] = @{
+                 "Number",
+                 "Title",
+                 "Ionization potential"
+         @};
+ @end example
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_clist_set_border (GtkCList *@var{clist}, GtkShadowType @var{border})
*** 2677,2686 ****
--- 2746,2757 ----
  @section The label widget
  @subsection Description
+ The widget is a simple text string.
  @subsection Options
  @defopt str
+ A text string to appear as the label.
  @end defopt
  @subsection Signals
*** 3272,3281 ****
--- 3343,3358 ----
  @subsection Description
+ This is a bar of the variable length that can be updated dinamically.
+ Most of the time, the length of the bar is updated to indicate the
+ progress of some operation. If this operation is something you do not
+ have a direct control over (like a query to the database), there is no
+ way to "synchronize" it with the length of the progress bar.
  @subsection Options
  @defopt percentage
+ How large the progress bar actually is. 
  @end defopt
  @subsection Signals
*** 3343,3349 ****
  @node GtkRadioMenuItem, GtkRange, GtkRadioButton, Widgets
  @comment node-name, next, previous, up
! @section The radio button widget
  @subsection Description
--- 3420,3426 ----
  @node GtkRadioMenuItem, GtkRange, GtkRadioButton, Widgets
  @comment node-name, next, previous, up
! @section The radio menu widget
  @subsection Description
*** 3625,3630 ****
--- 3702,3708 ----
  @section The statusbar widget
  @subsection Description
+ A status line this implemented in a stackwise fashion. 
  @subsection Options
*** 3642,3650 ****
--- 3720,3731 ----
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun gint gtk_statusbar_push (GtkStatusbar *@var{statusbar}, gchar *@var{text})
+ Push a new text @code{text} into the status bar stack.
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_statusbar_pop (GtkStatusbar *@var{statusbar}, gint @var{context_id})
+ Display a message stored in the stack with the id equal to the 
+ @code{context_id}.
  @end deftypefun
  @gtkstdmacros{Statusbar, STATUSBAR}
*** 3655,3667 ****
--- 3736,3755 ----
  @section The table widget
  @subsection Description
+ This widget belongs to a family of packing widgets. You can put the child
+ widgets inside it in a table-like fashion, into the table cells. Widgets
+ can occupy more than one cell, be aligned differently inside the cells.
+ The rows an columns are numberedstarting from 0 down and rightwise from the
+ top left corner of the table.
  @subsection Options
  @defopt rows
+ Number of rows in @code{GtkTable}.
  @end defopt
  @defopt columns
+ Number of columns in @code{GtkTable}.
  @end defopt
  @defopt homogeneous
*** 3687,3692 ****
--- 3775,3784 ----
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_table_attach_defaults (GtkTable *@var{table}, GtkWidget *@var{widget}, gint @var{left_attach}, gint @var{right_attach}, gint @var{top_attach}, gint @var{bottom_attach})
+ Place a child widget @code{widget} into the table. The parameters
+ @code{left_attach}, @code{right_attach}, @code{top_attach} and 
+ @code{bottom_attach} indicate the coordinates of a cell a child is placed
+ into. The two pairs (0,1), (0,1) specify top left cell.
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_table_set_row_spacing (GtkTable *@var{table}, gint @var{row}, gint @var{spacing})
*** 3696,3704 ****
--- 3788,3798 ----
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GtkTable *@var{table}, gint @var{spacing})
+ Set spacing between the rows to be @code{spacing} pixels (globally).
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GtkTable *@var{table}, gint @var{spacing})
+ Set spacing between the columns to be @code{spacing} pixels (globally).
  @end deftypefun
  @gtkstdmacros{Table, TABLE}
*** 3742,3750 ****
--- 3836,3848 ----
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_text_freeze (GtkText *@var{text})
+ Suspend all visual updates to the widget. Very useful when making a large
+ number of changes.
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_text_thaw (GtkText *@var{text})
+ Resume visual updates to the widget. Visual state of the widget is also
+ "synchronized" with all the updates there were commited.
  @end deftypefun
  @deftypefun void gtk_text_insert (GtkText *@var{text}, GdkFont *@var{font}, GdkColor *@var{fore}, GdkColor *@var{back}, char *@var{chars}, gint @var{length})

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