Re: [gtk-list] Re: Glade - UI Builder

>> maybe this is an unneeded personal opinion, but as easy as lisp is to
>> parse by a program.. it's twice as repulsive to a human. how about
>> something extremely simple, like BASIC. it would take little code for the
>> Glade to parse, and assuming one widget per line, it would be fairly
>> simple for anyone with a text editor to modify.

BASIC doesn't have the depth to be able to express what you what to 
transfer anyway.
Its just TOO simple ;(

If you want a simple, repulsive, language, try forth ! ;)

>I haven't looked at the program, or know the languages that well...
>But, if it is going to need to be edited by human hands, shouldn't be 

The point is that it dowsn't need to be edited by human hands.
The UI Builder builds it, the intereter reads it, ... right ?
Humans only need to tinker with it in the development stage.

>unless you want only people who know lisp to be able to use it...lisp is 
>not as
>intuitive to read as the html like code you had.
>But, if there are going to be interpreters that parse and return language
> should be more machine, and less human, readable.

case in point ... lisp (scheme ?)

>I personally think such a thing would be more useable if there were 
>If I am going to have to translate anyway...I would probably just write it 
>out in code to start with.

my 2 bits worth,


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