Re: Newbie with some low level questions

Doug South <> writes:

> Doug South wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks for the info on requisition. I'll give it a go.
> Yep, the requisition stuff did the trick.
> As to trying to disable the widget being replaced to its initial
> position after the parent window is resized, I've found
> gtk_container_resize_disable(). I've tried using it but it doesn't seem
> to doing what I think it should be. What does
> gtk_container_resize_disable() do? Maybe I've used in incorrectly. I've
> just basically used it on my container after I've made it and add
> everything.

The problem is that you _need_ to use gtk_fixed_move (). Otherwise,
the parent has no idea where the child window is when it is

I think you should be able to get the clipping behavior you
desire by simply setting a size for the Fixed widget with
gtk_widget_set_usize(). If you don't want the size of
the container to be computed from the children, then you need
to set the size in some other way in any case.

(The GtkLayout in the GTKFE for Mozilla is a blend of the
Viewport and Fixed widgets which implements the desired
behavior, but it is has a lot of extra bells and whistles)

[ gtk_container_disable_resize() is currently broken. It would
  make things more efficient if it worked, but would give
  the same end result as gtk_widget_set_usize() ]


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