Re: [gtk-list] objc : first exercise

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 wrote:

> @implementation Hello
> -initApp:(int *)argcp
>:(char ***)argvp
> {
>         [super initApp:argcp :argvp];
>         window = [[Gtk_Window
> alloc]
> initWithWindowType:GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL];
> [[window init] show];  // also tried [window show]

This is bad. You're basically initializing the same object twice. ;-)

Just plain [window show] is correct.

> return self;
> }
> @end
> int main(yada yada) {
>     id hello = [[Hello alloc] initApp:&argc :&argv]
>     [hello run]

Might want to do 
	[hello free]

Since you won't really need to access your application object from
anywhere, else, even
	[[[[Hello alloc] initApp:&argc :&argv] run] free];

would work, although that's stepping dangerously close to lisp ;-)

> fract6:/home/devel/gtk/obgtk$ hi
> hi: can't resolve symbol '_XlcDefadStMapModifiers'
> hi: can't resolve symbol '_XcmsDICoPrrSpaces'

Hmm, I've never seen that problem before. If you can compile regular Gtk+
apps, and you can compile ObjC apps, there shouldn't be any problem.

'nm' around and let me know where exactly those symbols are being used... 

-- Elliot
Chicken Little was right.

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