Re: Tutorial code converted to Perl

>>>>> "TG" == Tony Gale <> writes:

TG> The tutorial sgml is pretty long already

Well, ok.

TG> It makes maintenance harder

No worse than divergent versions, surely?  When new sections are added,
just ignore the other languages.  They'll be filled in in short order, I'm

TG> I don't think it is possible to generate multiple versions from the
TG> same source.

Preprocessor?  Given all of the SGML advocacy I've seen in recent months,
I'd be very disappointed if this was difficult to do.

If it was just a matter of the example programs it wouldn't be a big deal,
but I think it would be very worthwhile to have all of the code snippets in
various languages.  One day, perhaps.  Note that most of this is motivated
by the fact that the Perl bindings have pretty much zero documentation
right now.  (Either that or I'm just not looking hard enough.)

Is it possible to have footnote links that point to different pages?  You
could place next to each code snippet a link pointing to a page with the
same code in various languages.  Yes, this does mean that I'm willing to
assist, although I can't say that I know anything about SGML.  If someone
told me how to accomplish what I was looking to do, I'd be happy to set
about doing it.

 - J<

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