Re: Q's: Animation & GTK Markup Language

Derek Simkowiak wrote:
>        To a certain extent, I disagree.  I like to work in a pleasant GUI
>environment.  Besides the mere functionality of widgets, I like to have
>text scroll smoothly, and to get visual feedback that increases the
>intuitiveness of a program (i.e., when a window manager has the NeXt-like
>iconization and restoration animations).
Supposing you can decide whether you want things flashing and moving
Personally, I'd like widgets to follow FVWM's (or whatever) focus policy
(click-to-focus or focus-follows-mouse). I think it's important that you
see which part of the GUI is responding at every moment. I like those
Netscape Navigator toolbar buttons showing a border and a different
pixmap when they get focus. But when you get too far, like M$ is
getting, then you don't win anything. Visual feedback is ok; more than
ok it's a must. Animation per se is not.
>P.S. I definately agree the that functionality comes first.  Being able to
>turn off animations in "themes" sounds like the way to go.
Yes. When you've got functionality it's ok to go for themes (which is
what M$ lacks: they just throw in icons and all kind of stuff without
asking). Don't think I'll stick to Motif's look. Maybe I'll take some
time and create a Quake theme (I love the look of this game).

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