Re: [gtk-list] GtkRange??

On Mon, 6 Apr 1998, Jonathan Belson wrote:

> Hi
> Hope I'm not making myself sound stupid, but I can't figure out how
> to extract a value from a Range widget...I can set up a callback for
> when the slider is moved (using gtkmm), but I can't read what it's changed to
> 8^/  Can anyone elucidate, or point me to a piece of example code?

This is one of the things I hate about GTK+ !!!
You DON'T extract values from a scale widget (what I assume you mean the
range is) in fact you can't even attach a callback to a ^%^*$%@# scale..
you attach the callback to the associated ADJUSTMENT widget, and extract
values like so..

 value = GTK_ADJUSTMENT(mywidget)->value;


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