Re: [gtk-list] Pixmaps in gtk

I don't know what this guy is talking about, but whatever it is, it sounds
good. While elegant, gtk is just a little gray-looking for my taste. Of
course, it's much better, than what most people start doing when they have
the opportunities to play with colors and backgrounds freely. Anyway...

On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Joel Dillon wrote:

> I've been working on a high-level, C++ -based, windowing API similar
> in goals to GTK. However, unlike GTK it's been written to use entirely
> pixmaps, which potentially means it would be both much prettier than
> GTK's relatively old-fashioned Motif-like interface and potentially more
> configurable. Perhaps it would be a nice idea to write the GTK to
> use pixmaps, or at least allow the option of using them? The prettier
> the interface the more likely people are to use and develop for the GTK,
> and I would prefer to help develop on an existing project rather than
> write a toolkit from scratch.
> 	Joel Dillon
> --
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