Re: [gtk-list] gtk_container_border_width

David Abilleira <> writes:

> ----- Cut ----
> This next function is used to set an attribute of a container object.
> This just sets the window so it has a blank area
> along the inside of it 10 pixels wide where no widgets will go. There
> are other similar functions which we will
> look at in the section on Setting Widget Attributes
> And again, GTK_CONTAINER is a macro to perform type casting. 
>          gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (window), 10);
> ----- Cut ----
>         But when I try it, space is left out around the object, and not
> inside.
>         Do I must call gtk_container_border_width for every object in a
> container, or make a box and place the object inside it?
>         Thanks.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do ... 

If a container doesn't display any border decorations (hbox, table, ...)
then there isn't a difference.

All containers that display border decorations only take one child
(button, frame). 
   * If the child is a container, call gtk_container_border_width on
   that child.

   * If the child is a misc widget (label, pixmap, arrow), then call
   gtk_misc_set_padding(misc, xpad, ypad). For a button created with 
   gtk_button_new_with_label, it is probablt acceptable to do

     gtk_misc_set_padding(GTK_MISC(GTK_BIN(button)->child), xpad, ypad);

   though it might be cleaner to do it in one step.

   * If the child is something else (preview...), then you'll have to
   put it inside an auxilliary container (e.g., a box) and call 
   container_border_width on the auxilliary container.

Hope this helps,

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