Re: [gtk-list] CVS access to things

On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, Elliot Lee wrote:

> I'm not going to give a CVS tutorial here; I believe there's one on
> somewhere that describes anonymous access to
> their CVS tree, which you can change to fit this application.
> The following modules are available:
> 	gtk+ gimp gimp-data gnome
> This is read-only access - if you have a patch you want incorporated, send
> it to the appropriate list for now, and someone will incorporate it. 
> Thanks to Skyhook ( for hosting this all.
> Hope this helps,
> #!/bin/sh -
> set - `type $0` 'tr "[a-zA-Z]" "[n-za-mN-ZA-M]"';while [ "$2" != "" ];do \
> shift;done; echo 'frq -a -rc '`echo "$0"| $1 `'>$UBZR/.`rpub signature|'`\
> echo $1|$1`'`;rpub "Jr ner fvtangher bs obet. Erfvfgnapr vf shgvyr!"'|$1|sh

hi all,

eliot: i didn't find a cvs-doc on, even searched
the mail archives...

if someone tries to check it out:

$ export
$ cvs login    # just type <return> on the password
$ cvs checkout gtk

this worked for me, though i got some timeouts on this....

eliot: who is actually supposed to get write access to the CVS-tree ?


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