Widget wish: Indefinite progress

Another widget I've like to have is just a minor addition to the progress
bar widget: an "indefinite" mode. Instead of a bar displaying the
percentage complete, an "indefinite" bar merely shows that an event is
happening, without implying a time to completion. The Mac does this with a
scrolling barber-pole effect inside a normal progress bar widget.

It looks like this would be dead simple to implement (add a new function
gtk_progress_bar_update_indefinite that sets percentage to -1, and
changing the update function to tile the strip with a preloaded pixmap of
diagonal stripes when the percentage is less then zero. The scrolling
effect is then easily accomplished with gdk_gc_set_ts_origin). 

Unfortunately, I don't quite have the Gdk/X skill to get this working
myself. I hope someone else will have better luck. 


Kenneth Albanowski (kjahds@kjahds.com, CIS: 70705,126)

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