gtkspell widget and gnomeispell

This is a spell widget for GTK and two programs to test it.
You can get it from

gtkspell.[ch] is the actual spell widget. Maybe this can get into
        the Gtk distribution for use by other folks out there.

mini.c is a one-sentence-at-a-time spell-checker, it shows the
        basics of the use of the widget (add some comments and you get
        a tutorial for Ian:-).

main.c is a gnome application to spell-check files (text, html, tex
        when it'is ready:-). This eventually can go in the gnome
        distribution. You have to hit the 'Start' button in the
        spell dialog after every check to continue (it seems that
        calling gtk_spell_check() from within another gtkspell signal
	handler is not possible. It works fine for a word at a time).
        I think the display problems in the text widget aren't my fault:-)


gtkspell.c contains a useful function:
        gdk_child_register(pid_t, func, func_data)
It's used to handle child process exits with callbacks, so the parent
process can free resources. The gtkspell widget uses it to survive
ispell death and avoid sigpipes and the like.
It can be useful for every widget using a child process to do stuff
(gtkghostscript, gtkanim, gtkswallow...) and programs alike.
For it to work noone should signal(SIGCHLD, func), but use instead
gdk_child_register(pid, func, func_data).


You need a recent version of the gtk and gnome libraries.
Gtkspell uses International ispell to do the actual spelling.
Type make. The Makefile works on my Linux box, you may need some
tweaking. Yes, eventually it will use autoconf.

Have fun, lupus.

--      Molaro Paolo
------  Mamge', mange': nu sei chi ve mangia'. [FdA]

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