Re: Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> Anyways, the Midnight Commander has currently 2 usable front ends: the
> text mode (slang/ncurses) front end, the not so stable Tk front-end.
> The major reason is that I have put more time into other projects, so
> I haven't coded much.
> Both of those front-ends share the same features: the file management
> engine and the virtual file system (and all the other stuff), so
> making a new version based on Gtk should be fairly easy (modulo that I
> have never written a Icon-listing mode, which would be new code).

Why replacing the TCL/Tk frontend with GTK without doing something
new??? In Germany we would call this ABM = Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme
which is something like "work obtaining measure". Quite useless but nice
for the unemployed people.

-- bis später...
 - Sascha         ---<~>=( )=<~>---

   () Free speech online

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