Re: Python (was Re: Proposal for a new project)

Edwin Young writes:
>I've seen some messages about PerlGtk, but is anyone thinking about 
>a Python interface at the moment? I'd be willing to help, but while I'm
>pretty familiar with Python, I'm still getting used to Gtk.

Having seen sample code for PerlGtk, I can say that as it stands, I'm
not sure I would want a direct translation.  There's nothing intrinsically
wrong with the PerlGtk bindings -- I'd just want a more completely
object-oriented set of bindings.  I'm only in the first stages of thinking
about what I'd want in such a set of bindings, and I don't have any real
ideas to offer here yet -- I just have a vague idea that I want the
binding I use to be truly object-oriented and well tied into Python (better
than PythonTk, definitely), and I want to be able to use them in code
that looks compact; extra verbiage bothers me.  I think that means
exporting lots of symbols rather than using dictionaries['with', 'lots',
'of', 'text', 'strings'] and so on.

Vague ramblings...


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