More on styles...

Wouldn't it be nice to set colors by name?

I've started on a 'color' gtkrc command, to be used like

  color "MyBlue" { 0, 0.2, 0.8 }

With an additional 'include' directive (that also doesn't exist), this
would make it possible to, say, convert X' rgb.txt to some 'colorrc',
include that, and have all standard(?) X color names.

However, I am reluctant to really patch gtkrc.c, as it really should
be generalized.  I mean, the GIMP has two different config file
styles: gimprc and gtkrc.  Both are, IMHO, one-shot parser.  It would
be better to use *one* style, and use some generalized library for it.
Like Guile... ;-)

Bye, J

Juergen A. Erhard (that ue is actually \"u (TeX) or ü (HTML/SGML))
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