
Can anyone please point me to any info on which widgets take which

I want a consistent style for all buttons, rulers, etc in my app.

When I do

  widget_class "*" style "base"

as the last line in marsgtkrc, after

  style "base"
    bg[NORMAL] = {.9,.9,.9}

of course, what I get is what I want... except all tooltips are just
black rectangles (they have the correct size... it's just that it's
black text on a black background.  Like in Desaster Area's stunt

Strangely, when I try to set just something for a notebook with

  widget_class "GtkNotebook" style "some-style"

nothing happens.  The pages are the standard background.

Any ideas?  Any info on those styles?  And clues?  Anything?

Really, I'm lost (and some more documentation would be nice... Peter?)

Juergen A. Erhard (that ue is actually \"u (TeX) or ü (HTML/SGML))
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