Re: [gtk-list] Re: deleting widgets

On 10 Aug 1997, Owen Taylor wrote:

> Tim Janik <> writes:
> > and here the box acutaly gets hidden, but leaves an ugly big nothing in it's
> > place, because the main window doesn't get resized automaticaly.
> The problem isn't that the resize isn't propagated, it's that windows
> don't shrink by default.
> But if you call:
> void       gtk_window_set_policy       (GtkWindow           *window,
> 					gint                 allow_shrink,
> 					gint                 allow_grow,
> 					gint                 auto_shrink);
> things should work OK, without such drastic hacks. Actually, if you
> want things to work if the user is resizing the window as well, you
> might need to apply the geometry manangement patch I sent to the
> list a week or so ago. (Subject: [patch] Fixes to gtktable and
> gtkwindow.)

i already had the window policy set to allow_shrink, and i just tried out
the code without the gtk_widget_set_usize()-hacks and you're right, it
works now. actually this code snipet was a little bit dated (march?) and
those times ;) gtk didn't do the shrinking without the hack.
also, i didn't look into it again after then.

anyways i'm rewriting this part now to use the notebook, that's where my other
posting (notebook bugs?) came from ;)

> Regards,
>                                         Owen


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