Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_image

Jeff <> writes:

> Rob Browning <> writes:
> >
> you sure about that URL? doesn't exist :/

But it's another program that uses gdk_images directly instead of
using gtk_image ... 

Most of the "hard" stuff is the same though. To use a gtk_image 
you: (without trying any of this out)

 * create a GdkImage
 * call gtk_image_new (image, NULL) 
      [ or (image,mask) if you have a mask ]
      [ or, if you need to switch images, uses gtk_image_set ] 
 * do gdk_image stuff.
 * call gdk_widget_draw (widget,rectangle) when you need to redraw
      some changed portion. (rectange == NULL => all)

Hope this helps (I'm sure Rob's eventual tutorial will be better),


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