Re: [gtk-list] gtk_image

Jeff <> writes:

> are there any programs anywhere that make use of gtk_image?  I would like
> to peruse a real life example or two for some help.  I am porting a program
> that uses MIT-SHM to do its drawing :)

I'm considering writing a little tutorial on gtk_images since I just
spent some time figuring out how to use them (thanks everyone), but
it's going to be a little while before I have the time.  In the
interim, I'd suggest you look at

Owen pointed me to (t)his program and it was a big help.  Note that
one thing that almost stumped me was that when you get an image back
that's 16bit (gdkimage->bpp=2) it's the green that gets the extra bit
(at least on my server), so it's R/G/B->5/6/5.

Oh, and by the way, g{t,d}k_images turned out to be plenty fast for
what we needed.  I've got my wrapper clocked at over 140fps when
compiled with optimization on one machine here.  It's flipping two
256x76 images, pixel doubled to 512x152.  On that machine, 16bit's
actually faster than 8-bit indexed.

Thanks again to those who helped me get this going.

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