Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_image

Rob Browning <> writes:

> Jeff <> writes:
> > are there any programs anywhere that make use of gtk_image?  I would like
> > to peruse a real life example or two for some help.  I am porting a program
> > that uses MIT-SHM to do its drawing :)
> I'm considering writing a little tutorial on gtk_images since I just
> spent some time figuring out how to use them (thanks everyone), but
> it's going to be a little while before I have the time.  In the
> interim, I'd suggest you look at

you sure about that URL? doesn't exist :/

> Owen pointed me to (t)his program and it was a big help.  Note that
> one thing that almost stumped me was that when you get an image back
> that's 16bit (gdkimage->bpp=2) it's the green that gets the extra bit
> (at least on my server), so it's R/G/B->5/6/5.

yup, standard is 5/6/5 in 16bpp

> Oh, and by the way, g{t,d}k_images turned out to be plenty fast for
> what we needed.  I've got my wrapper clocked at over 140fps when
> compiled with optimization on one machine here.  It's flipping two
> 256x76 images, pixel doubled to 512x152.  On that machine, 16bit's
> actually faster than 8-bit indexed.

ya, gtk_image is bascially a small wrapper around MIT-SHM (if you specify
it that is), and they are plenty fast enough :)

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