Re: Build Pango for Windows

I suggest looking at MSYS2:

I use it for a project I am working on. It has a pre-built package for Pango (32 and 64), latest version is 1.40.3. There are also a bunch of other open source packages that are usually hard to find for Windows, all built to work together properly.

William E. Kappler II
Software Engineer
Applied Research Associates / Bennett Aerospace
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On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 7:42 PM, Bill Kelly <billk cts com> wrote:

> I found this link quite useful:
>, it
> gives libs built by msvc (if that is of any use to you).

An alternative is here:

Their Python script automates building the whole dependency tree.

By default their script expects various dependencies on the root of C: drive.
However, it accepts overrides.  Here's an example invocation for building
GTK3 with VS2015 on Win64, with dependencies in non-default locations:

python ./ build -p x64 -c release --clean --build-dir P:/code/gtk-build --msys-dir C:/dev/msys64 --perl-dir C:/dev/perl520/x64 --python-dir C:/dev/python27 --vs-ver 14 --vs-install-path C:/dev/vs-2015 --cmake-path M:/dev/cmake-3.6.2-win64-x64/bin gtk3



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