regarding setting resolution in pangoft2

Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle



From the documentation, I inferred that resolution can be set by using pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution().

However, when I used it in my code, it did not impact the resolution.


On debugging, I discovered that in pangoft2.c, we have a function

which returns the face of the font.


This function contains the following statement:

error = FT_Set_Char_Size (ft2font->face, PANGO_PIXELS_26_6 (ft2font->size),PANGO_PIXELS_26_6 (ft2font->size),0, 0);

where the last 2 parameters are x resolution and y resolution respectively.

Why is it being given the default values, when I have already specified the resolution ?

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?


I even tried to rectify the issue by accessing and allocating resolution inside this function. However, it seems that the fontmap object is private.



Thanks and regards,

Parth Kanungo




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