PANGO/CAIRO font synthesize problem


We ported pango(1.30.0) in arm platform. we used cairo for rendering purpose.(pango/cairo). 

We are trying to synthesize (Italic/Bold) font . But font synthesizing not happening? .

Any idea how to fix this ? 

while debugging in pango code , 

"pango/pangocairo-fcfont.c" - file 

 FcMatrixInit (&fc_matrix);
  for (i = 0; FcPatternGetMatrix (pattern, FC_MATRIX, i, &fc_matrix_val) == FcResultMatch; i++)
    FcMatrixMultiply (&fc_matrix, &fc_matrix, fc_matrix_val);

 cairo_matrix_init (&font_matrix,
                     0., 0.);
Based on the xx,yx,xy,yy co-ordinates , font will be displayed on screen.

depend on  pattern parameter,FcPatternGetMatrix  returns martix coordinate values.

Is it my understanding is correct?  

Then, why pattern value is not modifying for Italic and Bold fonts while synthesize  ?    

Thanks & Regards,
Rajkumar .C 

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