Problems after upgrading to Pango 1.28.3

Hello.  I believe this is the mailing list for Pango so I hope this comes through to the right place.

I've been using Pango v1.28.0 with an application built around GTK+ 2.20.0.  Everything gets built using Microsoft's Visual C++ and it's all been working fine (on Windows, of course) since the beginning of this year.  No problems (at least, not with Pango AFAIK).

A colleague is working on a Mac version of the same app and is using a slightly more recent version of Pango (v1.28.3).  So I was asked to upgrade to the same version, which I did this morning.  Unfortunately, Pango is now crashing very consistently.  The crash can happen in one or two different places but always takes the following general form (I've cut down this function, just to illustrate the problem):-

static PangoFontDescription*
pango_win32_font_describe_absolute (PangoFont *font)
PangoFontDescription *desc;

        PangoWin32Font *win32font = PANGO_WIN32_FONT (font);
        desc = pango_font_description_copy (win32font->win32face->description);

        return desc;

The crash always happens at a line similar to:-

        desc = pango_font_description_copy (win32font->win32face->description);

and it happens because after casting PangoFont* to PangoWin32Font* the value 'win32font->win32face' is always NULL (for reasons I haven't figured out yet).  Does this indicate anything to those of you who are more familiar with Pango?  For example, should I have upgraded something else in addition to Pango?  I've tried rebuilidng all the source for Pango, GTK+, libgnomecanvas, the app itself and anything else which could be remotely dependent on Pango but the problem persists.  Anyone got any ideas about this?


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