Re: [Indlinux-group] Need help to test Pango indic patch which fixes rendering issues of Telugu and Kannada.


2010/12/27 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 gmail com>
<snipped everything>

Hi Arjun,
what's the state of the patch? Was it accepted upstream, if yes, you
didn't inform the thread of the outcome ?

I did not get much response.  Ubuntu is patched with the update. I am using it fine with Telugu, Hindi and Kannada and hope that there are no issues with other languages
Also it would have been a good idea to have a PPA on the launchpad repository

 However It is yet to be updated into Pango upstream.Don't know when it gets done :-( .  At the upstream,  the focus seems to be on developing  new Harfbuzz shaper for Indic languages.

This would also have made it easier for you to get a wider audience as well.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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