[te-IN]Consonant+halanth+Consonant+halanth as single character rendering


I  find the biggest rendering related  localization problem of linux
with Telugu is the inability to render
Consonant+halanth+consonant+halanth+space as one letter. Currently the
las halanth appears as an individual character after the conjuct with
'a' vowel.  These instances are becoming common, as more foreign words
are transcribed in Telugu.

If we have to get the same effect, for linux we have to code consonant
consonant+halanth+consonant+halanth+zwj  But this breaks on windows
uniscribe, as they are rendered as individual consonant halanths.

Please see the bug and the attachment at it to understand the problem,

Bug 516947 – [te] consonant ending (halanth) of conjunct of two or
more consonants in telugu is not rendered correctly

Whether any indic fixes in pipeline plan  address this?
Which module pango-indic or harfbuzz needs to be fixed for this?


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