Re: Pango failure in cross-compiled enviro

On Tuesday 05 September 2006 13:52, you wrote:
> Seems like a problem with creating the modules.  What does nm say on the
> modules?

good question.  On the cross-compiler box, arm-linux-nm gives 
0000000000000f10 t $a
000000000000343c t $a
00000000000010cc t $a
0000000000001174 t $a
0000000000003440 t $a
00000000000011c8 t $a
0000000000000f18 t $a
00000000000033f4 t $a
0000000000003434 t $a
0000000000000f1c t $a
0000000000000f20 t $a
0000000000003444 t $a
00000000000011d0 t $a
0000000000001a80 t $a
0000000000001ca0 t $a
0000000000001ea8 t $a
0000000000002000 t $a
0000000000002140 t $a
00000000000022a0 t $a
00000000000023f8 t $a
00000000000027ec t $a
0000000000002a7c t $a
0000000000003138 t $a
0000000000003250 t $a
00000000000032d0 t $a
0000000000003364 t $a
0000000000003138 t basic_engine_covers
0000000000002a7c t basic_engine_shape
00000000000031f8 t basic_engine_x_class_init
0000000000003250 t basic_engine_x_register_type
000000000001c51c b basic_engine_x_type
000000000001c2e4 d basic_scripts
000000000001c520 a __bss_end__
000000000001c520 a _bss_end__
000000000001c518 a __bss_start
000000000001c518 a __bss_start__
0000000000003434 t call___do_global_ctors_aux
0000000000001174 t call___do_global_dtors_aux
00000000000011c8 t call_frame_dummy
00000000000010a0 t call_gmon_start
0000000000001298 t char_cache_free
00000000000011d0 t char_cache_new
000000000000262c t char_caches_free
0000000000003744 r char_mask_map
0000000000003ab8 r char_masks
000000000001c1e8 d charset_orderings
000000000001c008 d charsets
000000000001c518 b completed.1
0000000000001ea8 t conv_16bit
0000000000002000 t conv_16bit_MSB_on
0000000000001bc0 t conv_8bit
0000000000001ca0 t conv_eucjp
00000000000022a0 t conv_euctw
0000000000002140 t conv_gb18030_1
00000000000023f8 t conv_ucs4
000000000001c434 d __CTOR_END__
000000000001c430 d __CTOR_LIST__
         w __cxa_finalize@@GLIBC_2.1.3
00000000000010c4 t $d
000000000001c430 d $d
000000000001c438 d $d
000000000001c000 d $d
000000000001c004 d $d
0000000000001160 t $d
00000000000011bc t $d
000000000001c434 d $d
000000000001c43c d $d
000000000001c324 r $d
000000000001c440 d $d
000000000000342c t $d
000000000001c008 d $d
0000000000003744 r $d
0000000000001a64 t $d
0000000000001c98 t $d
0000000000001ea0 t $d
0000000000001ff8 t $d
0000000000002138 t $d
0000000000002298 t $d
00000000000023f0 t $d
00000000000027e4 t $d
0000000000002a70 t $d
0000000000003118 t $d
0000000000003244 t $d
000000000001c304 d $d
00000000000032c0 t $d
000000000000335c t $d
00000000000033e8 t $d
000000000001c000 d __data_start
00000000000033f4 t __do_global_ctors_aux
00000000000010cc t __do_global_dtors_aux
000000000001c000 d __dso_handle
000000000001c43c d __DTOR_END__
000000000001c438 d __DTOR_LIST__
000000000001c328 a _DYNAMIC
000000000001c518 a _edata
000000000001c520 a _end
000000000001c520 a __end__
0000000000001434 t find_char
000000000000343c t _fini
000000000000117c t frame_dummy
000000000001c324 r __FRAME_END__
00000000000027ec t get_char_cache
         U g_free
         U g_iconv
         U g_iconv_close
         U g_iconv_open
000000000001c444 a _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
         U g_log
         U g_malloc
         U g_malloc0
         w __gmon_start__
         U g_object_get_qdata
         U g_object_new
         U g_object_set_qdata_full
         U g_object_steal_qdata
         U g_quark_from_string
         U g_return_if_fail_warning
         U g_slist_free
         U g_slist_prepend
         U g_type_module_register_type
         U g_unichar_to_utf8
         U g_unichar_type
         U g_utf8_get_char
         U g_utf8_skip
         U g_utf8_strlen
0000000000000f10 t _init
000000000001c440 d __JCR_END__
000000000001c440 d __JCR_LIST__
         w _Jv_RegisterClasses
000000000001c300 d object_info.1
00000000000026fc t ordering_for_lang
000000000001c004 d p.0
         U pango_engine_shape_get_type
         U pango_font_get_glyph_extents
         U pango_get_mirror_char
         U pango_glyph_string_set_size
         U pango_is_zero_width
         U pango_language_matches
         U pango_x_has_glyph
         U pango_x_list_subfonts
0000000000013b58 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.0
0000000000003364 T script_engine_create
00000000000032f8 T script_engine_exit
00000000000032d0 T script_engine_init
0000000000003308 T script_engine_list
000000000001c2ec d script_engines
0000000000001a80 t set_glyph
         U strcmp@@GLIBC_2.0
000000000000243c t swap_range

on the native box, this occurs:
root@(none):/opt/fdo# nm ./lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/
000010a0 t $a
00000f10 t $a
0000343c t $a
000010cc t $a
00001174 t $a
00003440 t $a
000011c8 t $a
00000f18 t $a
000033f4 t $a
00003434 t $a
00000f1c t $a
00000f20 t $a
00003444 t $a
000011d0 t $a
00001a80 t $a
00001ca0 t $a
00001ea8 t $a
00002000 t $a
00002140 t $a
000022a0 t $a
000023f8 t $a
000027ec t $a
00002a7c t $a
00003138 t $a
00003250 t $a
000032d0 t $a
00003364 t $a
000010c4 t $d
0001c430 d $d
0001c438 d $d
0001c000 d $d
0001c004 d $d
00001160 t $d
000011bc t $d
0001c434 d $d
0001c43c d $d
0001c324 r $d
0001c440 d $d
0000342c t $d
0001c008 d $d
00003744 r $d
00001a64 t $d
00001c98 t $d
00001ea0 t $d
00001ff8 t $d
00002138 t $d
00002298 t $d
000023f0 t $d
000027e4 t $d
00002a70 t $d
00003118 t $d
00003244 t $d
0001c304 d $d
000032c0 t $d
0000335c t $d
000033e8 t $d
0001c328 a _DYNAMIC
         w _Jv_RegisterClasses
0001c434 d __CTOR_END__
0001c430 d __CTOR_LIST__
0001c43c d __DTOR_END__
0001c438 d __DTOR_LIST__
0001c324 r __FRAME_END__
0001c440 d __JCR_END__
0001c440 d __JCR_LIST__
00013b58 r __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.0
0001c520 a __bss_end__
0001c518 a __bss_start
0001c518 a __bss_start__
         w __cxa_finalize@@GLIBC_2.1.3
0001c000 d __data_start
000033f4 t __do_global_ctors_aux
000010cc t __do_global_dtors_aux
0001c000 d __dso_handle
0001c520 a __end__
         w __gmon_start__
0001c520 a _bss_end__
0001c518 a _edata
0001c520 a _end
0000343c t _fini
00000f10 t _init
00003138 t basic_engine_covers
00002a7c t basic_engine_shape
000031f8 t basic_engine_x_class_init
00003250 t basic_engine_x_register_type
0001c51c b basic_engine_x_type
0001c2e4 d basic_scripts
00003434 t call___do_global_ctors_aux
00001174 t call___do_global_dtors_aux
000011c8 t call_frame_dummy
000010a0 t call_gmon_start
00001298 t char_cache_free
000011d0 t char_cache_new
0000262c t char_caches_free
00003744 r char_mask_map
00003ab8 r char_masks
0001c1e8 d charset_orderings
0001c008 d charsets
0001c518 b completed.1
00001ea8 t conv_16bit
00002000 t conv_16bit_MSB_on
00001bc0 t conv_8bit
00001ca0 t conv_eucjp
000022a0 t conv_euctw
00002140 t conv_gb18030_1
000023f8 t conv_ucs4
00001434 t find_char
0000117c t frame_dummy
         U g_free
         U g_iconv
         U g_iconv_close
         U g_iconv_open
         U g_log
         U g_malloc
         U g_malloc0
         U g_object_get_qdata
         U g_object_new
         U g_object_set_qdata_full
         U g_object_steal_qdata
         U g_quark_from_string
         U g_return_if_fail_warning
         U g_slist_free
         U g_slist_prepend
         U g_type_module_register_type
         U g_unichar_to_utf8
         U g_unichar_type
         U g_utf8_get_char
         U g_utf8_skip
         U g_utf8_strlen
000027ec t get_char_cache
0001c300 d object_info.1
000026fc t ordering_for_lang
0001c004 d p.0
         U pango_engine_shape_get_type
         U pango_font_get_glyph_extents
         U pango_get_mirror_char
         U pango_glyph_string_set_size
         U pango_is_zero_width
         U pango_language_matches
         U pango_x_has_glyph
         U pango_x_list_subfonts
00003364 T script_engine_create
000032f8 T script_engine_exit
000032d0 T script_engine_init
00003308 T script_engine_list
0001c2ec d script_engines
00001a80 t set_glyph
         U strcmp@@GLIBC_2.0
0000243c t swap_range

which looks identical (or nearly so) to me.  This is where I put in the caveat 
that I make my living as a Java programmer, and cross-compiling is a bit 
novel to me.

> On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 14:47 -0400, John Gorkos wrote:
> > I'm cross-compiling Pango (and Cairo, and freetype, and fontconfig, and
> > GTK+) on an AMD64 box to output X-scale (ARM Little Endian) binaries. 
> > I'm being stymied by pango.  The cross compilation completes with no
> > errors, however, this is what I get when I put the binaries on the ARM
> > machine:
> >
> > root@(none):/opt/fdo.orig# pango-querymodules
> > # Pango Modules file
> > # Automatically generated file, do not edit
> > #
> > # ModulesPath = /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules
> > #
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export Pango
> > module API
> > /opt/fdo/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/ does not export
> > Pango module API
> >
> > I'm using GCC 3.4.0, glibc 2.3.2, and Pango 1.14.2.  The target box does
> > have an older version of Pango, but I've moved it out of the way, and
> > everything should be using current binaries.
> > Should I build Pango without the dynamic modules, and simply build in
> > pango-basic-* ?  If so, what's the ./configure option to do that?  I'll
> > be happy to provide more debug output if someone takes up my cause.
> >
> > Any help greatly appreciated.  The end-state goal is xfce running on my
> > PepperPad.
> >
> > John
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> > gtk-i18n-list mailing list
> > gtk-i18n-list gnome org
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