Re: Industry Thai Cell-Clustering Rules

Hi K.Theppitak,

] Some questions regarding the changes :
] ---- 8< ----
] @@ -363,7 +362,7 @@
]      "tis620-0",
]      "tis620-1",
] -    "tis620-2",
] +    "tis620.2533-0",
]  #endif
]      "iso10646-1",
]    };
] Why tis620.2533-0 instead of tis620-2 here? Or is it just temporary?

I forgot to take it out. This is just my testing purpose.
So, it should be tis620-2.

] ---- 8< ----
] @@ -451,7 +450,11 @@
]        glyphs->glyphs[index].geometry.width = 
]  	MAX (logical_rect.width, glyphs->glyphs[index - 1].geometry.width);
]        glyphs->glyphs[index - 1].geometry.width = 0;
] +      glyphs->glyphs[index].geometry.x_offset = 
] +#else
]        glyphs->glyphs[index].geometry.x_offset = 0;
] +#endif
] How about just this for combining case?
]        glyphs->glyphs[index].geometry.x_offset = 0;
]        glyphs->glyphs[index].geometry.width = 0;

The .x_offset is the position where the glyph is started to be drawn
and those vowels/tonemarks glyphs are displayed on the Q2 (negative x).
If .x_offset is zero, then, we will see all those tonemarks displayed
ahead of consonances. That's why I change it to be drawn from the right edge
of consonance. I think we need to have the special case for SaraAm as well.

] ---- 8< ----
] @@ -806,8 +809,8 @@
]  gboolean
]  IsWttComposible(gint cur_wc, gint nxt_wc)
]  {
] -  switch (_TAC_celltype_inputcheck[ChrType(ucs2tis(cur_wc))]
] -				  [ChrType(ucs2tis(nxt_wc))])
] +  switch (_TAC_celltype_inputcheck[ChrType(cur_wc - 0xE00 + 0xA0)]
] +				  [ChrType(nxt_wc - 0xE00 + 0xA0)])
]    {
]       case 'A':
]       case 'S':
] Why not using the ucs2tis() macro? Or is there any flaw I can't see?

Well, I was hurry to catch the bus so I will change it. :)

Chookij V.

] -Theppitak.

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