Re: Adding tis620.2533-0 into Thai Pango engine

Dear K.Chookij,

IMO, the code point assignments of both Windows and Solaris extensions are
not different in the shaper engine's point of view. The difference is only
the U+F71B glyph shape, not the different code tables as in the case of
tis620-0, tis620-1 and tis620-2.

So, I don't think tis620-3 is necessary here.

However, let me guess that you mean to choose to handle tis620-3 with
Wtt2.0 cell clustering engine. (Please excuse me if I'm wrong.)  But I
think Wtt2.0 can be applied to other tis620 encodings as well.

It should be nice if there is a way for users to choose their preferred
shaping engine. Otherwise, just choose the best one for them.


On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Chookij Vanatham wrote:

> K.Theppitak,
> Regarding the issue of adding tis620.2533-0 in Thai pango engine,
> I've been thinking if actually, I would say that even Solaris uses Thai
> fonts used in WindowsThai extension but, actually, we modified the glyph
> at U+F71B which is used for bad sequence indicator.
> Then, may be, we should have tis620-3 for Thai Solaris extension.
> Let me know what you think and if you agree, please let me know
> how this convention on encoding field on XLFD will be maintained
> and well-known to anybody as the standard.
> Thanks,
> Chookij V.
> ] 
> ] ] 
> ] ] According to our experience, there are three different practices of Thai
> ] ] fonts for rendering :
> ] ] 
> ] ] 1. Plain tis620 : combining characters are placed at the safe positions to
> ] ]    prevent collapsion. There are two practices of this kind :
> ] ]    - negative-offset-zero-width diacritics (this makes the fonts apply to
> ] ]      many applications, such as Netscape, which support Western fonts
> ] ]      without knowing they are rendering Thai fonts)
> ] ]    - real monospace fonts (used in mule/emacs; this requires the
> ] ]      applications to combine characters into cells)
> ] ] 
> ] ] 2. MacThai extension : an extended tis620 code set, by using codes in the
> ] ]    range 0x80-0x9f and in some free slots to keep the prepositioned
> ] ]    combining characters. This needs a shaping algorithm to produce 
> ] ]    elegant rendering.
> ] ] 
> ] ] 3. WindowsThai extension : similar to MacThai extension, but used in
> ] ]    Windows Thai Editions.
> ] ] 
> ] ] The last two code sets are mapped to their own private area of Unicode and
> ] ] cannot be used together.
> ] ] 
> ] ] So, we are now discussing about a convention on the encoding field on XLFD
> ] ] to distinguish the three code sets :-
> ] ] 
> ] ]   -tis620-0   for plain tis620
> ] ]   -tis620-1   for MacThai extension
> ] ]   -tis620-2   for WindowsThai extension
> ] ] 
> ] ] Note that the years in the registry field are omitted, because tis620.2529
> ] ] and tis620.2533 do not differ in content. Both can be referred to as
> ] ] tis620 without confusion.
> ] ] 
> ] ] However, Mr Chookij, could you please describe how Wtt2.0 is implemented
> ] ] in Solaris,
> ] In Solaris, we have Wtt2.0 rule for the display. Wtt2.0 provides the table
> ] to check whether the current Thai character can be combined with the previous
> ] character. If it can't be combined like those invalid Thai sequences such as,
> ] U+0E48 + U+0E34 --> this is invalid sequence, then U+0E34 will be displayed
> ] as its own cell.
> ] 

Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
Software and Language Engineering Laboratory, NECTEC  mailto:theppitak nectec or th

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