Re: Interface Stability (was Re: xxx-undocumented.txt)

Hi Brian,

I offer you a deal ;-). When I am done with the current patch, I'll try to come
up with a patch that implements the Short/Log/SeeAlso Docs.
After that patch I should be aware what changes it needs for the FILE/ENVVAR
classes. I'll report that and you can take over with these then.

Brian Cameron wrote:
> Stefan:
>>> In your last email you highlighted information about how to document
>>> ENVIRONMENT variables, data structures, enumerations, and files.  I
>>> believe Stefan asked if he could do some of this work and I want to
>>> check
>>> to see if he wants to do these tasks.  If not, then I'll go ahead. 
>>> Ping.
>> I'll try to get the other patch finished right now. If you do it, it
>> would be
>> nice if it gets done in the format damon and mathias suggested and
>> agreed.
> Based on your recent patches, I think you are more familiar with this part
> of the code.  Perhaps you could explain of how the code works, and perhaps
> give an overview of the changes I'll need to make.  I'm interested in
> learning
> more about how gtk-doc works, so if this is something you could do, then
> I'm
> sure it will speed my progress.
> Thanks!
> Brian

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