Hello! I've made a simple print module to support printing to Google Cloud Print. This is a web service provided by Google that allows people to share their printers. https://www.google.com/cloudprint/learn/ In addition to being able to print to printers shared on Google Cloud Print, there is an equivalent of "Print to file" in the form of "Save to Google Drive". Here's a screenshot of the print dialog gedit shows: http://cyberelk.net/tim/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/cloudprint.png The cloudprint module uses gnome-online-accounts to obtain the OAuth 2.0 access token for the Google account, so I needed to add another "scope" in the google goa backend. Currently it can discover available printers, get simple details about them such as display name and status, and submit jobs without any special options. I plan to add options-setting based on the capabilities advertised by the printer. What's the best way for me to submit this? Thanks, Tim. */
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