Re: touch events

On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 08:39:23PM +0100, Chase Douglas wrote:
> On 02/07/2012 07:58 PM, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> > So, here's few interesting things I learned in the last few days while
> > talking to people about touch (mostly Peter Hutterer and Chase
> > Douglas, more power to them for getting my X up and running with touch
> > events).
> > 
> > 1) There is a huge difference between touchscreens and touchpads.
> > 
> > No platform exists that caters to both touchscreens and touchpads
> > equally. OS X is a touchpad world, iOS is a touchscreen world. Windows
> > is a touchscreen world. (I have no idea if and how Qt caters to both,
> > but my guess is it doesn't.) So XInput 2.2 seems to be the first
> > platform that tries.
> > Now, if you get a touch event sequence, those events have X and Y
> > coordinates. Unfortunately, these coordinates refer to the position of
> > the mouse pointer and not the position of the touch. And for
> > touchpads, the mouse pointer doesn't change. So you get the same x/y
> > coordinate all the time, for every event. For touchscreens of course,
> > that is entirely different as touchscreens move the mouse pointer to
> > wherever you touched last.
> > Of course, on touchpads you also get the position of the touch on the
> > touchpad. These coordinates refer to the physical touchpad and are not
> > related to the screen at all. What does that mean? Exactly, it means
> > that if you start doing math based on these coordinates, you are
> > wrong. How many units does one have to move to get a noticable effect?
> > Who knows, it's not related to pixels anyway! Unless you're thinking
> > of touchscreens again, where things match the screen perfectly fine
> > for these axes.
> > Last but not least, touchpads don't emit touch events for single
> > finger touches at all. For those touches, you use regular mouse events
> > - GdkEventButton and GdkEventMotion are your friend.
> > 
> > Of course, developers usually only have either a touchpad or a
> > touchscreen. So when they will be developing code, they will only
> > check one of the two. And I guess this usually means that the other
> > type of device will be broken. In fact, I have been using a test
> > program written by Peter himself, and even that one's very useless for
> > touchpads.
> > So my idea so far - though I'm not sure about this yet, which is why
> > I'm typing all this - is to make this difference very prominent inside
> > GTK and to use different event types. So for touchscreens, you'd get a
> > GDK_DIRECT_TOUCH_BEGIN/UPDATE/END and for your pads, you'd get
> > GDK_INDIRECT_TOUCH_BEGIN/UPDATE/END events. And we might even end up
> > giving you different events - a struct GdkEventDirectTouch vs a struct
> > GdkEventIndirectTouch - so we have the useful information in there,
> > and don't get people to write events that look at x/y.
> The approach seems good in theory. Note that there's still at least one
> more type of device that has not been accounted for yet: independent
> devices. Examples include traditional mice with a touch surface on top
> for scrolling or other gestures, like the Apple Magic Mouse or the
> Microsoft Arc Mouse.
> XI 2.2 doesn't specifically cater to these devices. They would be
> handled as indirect devices for now, and the X server 1.12 should work
> just fine for event handling, but there isn't a standard yet for how to
> denote an independent device. We could just annotate an indirect device
> with a read-only device property (use xinput list-props <device
> name|device number> to see device properties). Peter suggested this
> approach a while back since the server doesn't really need to know if
> the device is dependent (touchpad) or independent. Alternatively, we
> could introduce a new device type in XI 2.3.
> The main thesis I'm advocating here is that whatever scheme is
> developed, keep in mind that there is at least one more device type out
> there, and who knows if there will be more in the future. I don't think
> there's any issues with your approach of splitting direct and indirect
> events; we'll have to decide in the future if we should create a new set
> of events for independent devices for the exact same reasons you
> outlined above.
> > 2) system-level gestures?
> > 
> > If you've read
> > (if not, it may help to read it to understand this paragraph), you
> > know that touch events are only forwarded to the application when all
> > grabs have rejected the touch event.
> > Now, the WM will probably want to do a touch grab, so that the usual
> > window management gestures (OS X users will recognize 4 finger swipes
> > for expose for example) can be recognized. And this means that until
> > the WM rejects the touch event (because it realized it's not a
> > relevant gesture), the application get those touch events delivered.
> > And that can cause lags.
> > Now there's multiple ways to cope with this:
> > - Make the WM reject touch events quickly
> > This requires a well-written WM (Ce Oh Em Pe I Zeeeee!!!) that rejects
> > touches quickly. So quickly in fact that it's not noticable for a
> > regular person that the touches weren't sent through to the app
> > immediately. Even when they use it to draw squiggly lines on the
> > screen. I'm not sure if that is even possible.
> No, it's not really possible to guarantee the WM will be able to reject
> within a bounded timeframe. Imagine the WM wants to recognize stroke
> based gestures. With multiple strokes, the gesture recognition could
> occur over an unbounded amount of time, only to be rejected at the end
> when a stroke doesn't match. Imagine a stroke gesture for the letter M.
> If you make an N and stop, you might have consumed 1 second before the
> WM can reject the touch.
> In Unity, we use tight thresholds and timeouts to bound our gestures,
> but GTK+ can't assume that all WMs will do the same.
> > - Use a different model in the WM
> > The WM could not do a grab, but just listen for touch events on the
> > root window. In that case it'd only get touch events for all the
> > touches that applications haven't accepted. But applications accept
> > touches by default. So unless applications are well-written and
> > carefully reject all touches they don't care about, your system-level
> > gestures won't trigger if apps listen for touch events...
> I think it's better to assume the WM will be written correctly than
> individual apps :). The Unity gesture guidelines also state that WM
> gestures take precedence over application multitouch and gesture
> interactions. That's not to say that other WMs must behave the same way,
> but GTK+ shouldn't assume clients take precedence.
> > - Use XI_TouchOwnership
> > This way the app would get pending touch events even when it's not the
> > owner and could already do things. But it would require a very
> > prominent GDK_TOUCH_EVENT_CANCEL so that when the WM accepts the
> > touch, the app can revert everything it already did for the current
> > touch.
> Just as this is an optional feature in X, I suggest making it optional
> in GTK+ too. I don't think many applications will need this
> functionality. However, I do think this is the best way forward when an
> application must have low-latency. I'm biased, however, since I proposed
> the touch ownership mechanism for XI 2.2.
> > - something else?
> > Did I miss something here? Or is getting sytem-level gestures right
> > really complicated?
> I don't think you've missed anything, and yes, system-level gestures are
> a bit complicated :).
> > 3) Drivers still do gesture recognition
> > 
> > You all know and love this feature of the synaptics driver. 2 finger
> > swipes cause scrolling, 3 finger taps cause a middle mouse click. And
> > that's not gonna change: If you tap with 3 fingers in the future, you
> > get a bunch of touch events _and_ a button press/release event combo.
> > Why is that bad? Because if you implement a 3-finger tap gesture in
> > your widget that does a clipboard paste, you will now suddenly be
> > doing that paste twice.
> > Can't you just disable one of those? No, not really, because some
> > drivers (like non-synaptics) may not be doing gestures, so a 3-finger
> > tap will do nothing; likewise, some old widgets (like all of GTK 2)
> > may not be listening to touch events.
> > Couldn't the X server do it for you then? No, not really, because if
> > you have an old widget (for example a GtkHTML widget) and a new widget
> > and put them in the same GtkWindow, there'll only be one X window
> > because of client-side windows. And the X server wouldn't know which
> > event to send.
> > So how do we fix this? I have no idea, but I suppose it'll cause lots
> > of madness.
> This is still a bit up in the air. This is correct according to what I
> think should happen. For example, it would require the following logic
> in a touch-aware toolkit that wants to perform kinetic smooth scrolling:
> =====
> device addition event
> if (device is touch capable)
>   subscribe to two-touch drag events
> X scroll event (either X button event for buttons 4,5,6,7 or XI 2.1
>                 smooth scrolling event)
> if (device is *not* touch capable or scroll is not derived from touches)
>   scroll as normal
> two-touch drag events (from a gesture system like utouch)
>   scroll as normal
> =====

Here's one ambiguous case if we send both converted events and the touch

For in-driver tapping, you may get the following events
Button press event
Touch begin/update event
Button release event

Now: was the physical button pressed or not? Because if it was, you can't
ignore the button press event in the toolkit, the tap was unrelated (e.g.
a ClickFinger-like gesture).

AFAICT you can't know without looking into the driver - which the toolkit
can't and shouldn't. The event sequence is not guaranteed on the protocol,
so the above sequence is valid - even if the current implementation does not
send it that way. You can guess based on timestamps, event coordinates, etc.
But it's still guesswork, something I'm not comfortable with.


> Determining if a device is touch capable is not very hard. However,
> determining if an X scroll event is not derived from touches is more
> difficult. X core and XI 1.x button events do not have "flags", which
> could tell the client about this information. We could add a flag for XI
> 2.x button and smooth scrolling events for when they are derived from
> touches. However, this still isn't a 100% solution to the problem. There
> are other corner cases that are harder to show, just take my word for it
> :). Note that this is only a problem for trackpads, and maybe
> independent devices.
> I feel a real solution to this issue is so difficult that it may not be
> feasible to implement, much less maintain. I also feel that assuming an
> indirect, touch-capable device has no non-touch scrolling functionality
> is good enough for now. This heuristic breaks down when you start
> talking about a drawing tablet like a Wacom Intuos 4 if you want to use
> the jog-wheel for scrolling, but professional drawing tools have always
> required special configuration. Yes, it's not ideal, but I see it as a
> price we pay for extending a 25 year old window system.
> Peter is not convinced that this is how we should handle things. He is
> still mulling things over. I'll let him reply with his thoughts.
> Thanks!
> -- Chase

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