Re: Fwd: Plans for GTK+ Bundles for win32 and win64?

On 2011-09-08 at 10:15, Kean Johnston wrote:
> >Dieter has been speaking with the gtk developers on IRC, and has been
> Would it be inappripriate to ask that that type of discussion
> happens on the mailing list?

the discussion on specific issues is happening on Bugzilla, where it
belongs; if something has to be brought to the attention of the team,
the mailing list and the IRC meetings[0] are fine.

as a side note: logging the IRC channels on has been
brought up multiple times, and it needs somebody to volunteer and set
this up with the sysadmins.


[0] we've been lagging behind, after the meetings at the desktop summit,
but we'll probably start having the IRC meetings again soon.


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