Re: Function completion for GVariant maybe types?

> If you have a GVariant* variable, you should usually know what type it is already,
> but if not, g_variant_get_type() will tell you.

Is a direct use of a function like "g_variant_type_is_maybe" recommended?

> GVariants are immutable. Once a GVariant instance has been created, you can't
> change its value/contents - you can only throw it away and create a new GVariant.

Thanks for your clarification.

I am still interested in an addition to the interface "g_variant_new_maybe".

> You can reset a (GVariant *) variable to point to a variant representing
> "nothing" the same way you'd make it point to anything else.

I imagine that this approach can be improved a bit.

How do you think about an interface like the following?

GVariant* g_variant_set_to_nothing(GVariant const * gv);

The generated new object will be just marked to contain "nothing" for the type
from the data source.
If the passed instance is a maybe type already, its "container" will be removed
while the contained type will be kept. (I would like to avoid the nesting of a
maybe type into another one.)


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