Re: Updated GTK+ 2.24.5 binaries (and bundle)

On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 05:12:04PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:

> Speaking as an application developer, I’m more interested in
> ready–to–deploy binaries for GTK+ 3.0. A nice bundle like the one Tor
> provided for GTK+ 2.X would be a neat plus.
> Until that condition is met, I’m not going to port my applications to
> GTK+ 3.0, which I would really love to do, just because I need them to
> run on Windows.

I’d like to come back to this thread with a positive note: over the last
few days I ported the aforementioned application to GTK+ 3, using the
win32 binaries provided by the OpenSUSE Build Service.

Based on this (ammittedly limited) experience, I think cross–compiling and
deploying an application using these binaries is even simpler than it used
to be, mostly thanks to the awesome script and to
the fact that the pkgconfig files now point somewhere inside the mingw-w64
directory tree.

I have written some quick notes[1] about the procedure I follow when
cross–compiling; I’m posting them here in the hope somebody might find them

The only downside I’ve been able to identify so far is that there is
apparently no MS (or Adwaita) engine for GTK+ 3 on win32, or at least I’ve
been unable to track it down. Not a big deal, really: the default theme
looks somewhat dated, but functionality is there and that’s what matters.

Thanks again to everybody who’s contributed to this!

Andrea Bolognani <eof kiyuko org>
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