Re: new gtk-fortran binding

On 18/04/11 16:06, Vincent MAGNIN wrote:
Dear GTK+ developers,

Hello Vincent,

I would like to report a new GTK+ binding: gtk-fortran. I launched the
project less than four months ago with Jerry DeLisle, one of the GNU
gfortran developers. The home page is:

We have a GTK+ 2.24.4 branch and a 3.0.8 branch. Tests were carried out
with Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, as you can see here:

The binding is not 100% complete, and I do not know if it reaches a
sufficient quality standard to figure on your page. But we would be happy to
receive any comment or advice to improve it.


I also had to add the 2.24 and 3.x columns in there so I have continued the previous status from all other bindings.

If anyone out there sees their binding is out of date, please let me know and I can update it accordingly:


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