Re: glib on Symbian

> There is one more issue that needs addressing. The Symbian OS emulator does
> not support global static data in libraries. We found a fair amount of
> global static data in the code and to work around these, we have symbian
> specific code inserted within '#ifdef SYMBIAN32' . The problem here is that
> these changes are peppered throughout the code and rack up nearly 2000 lines
> of changed code.

Please show some concrete (minimal) example... I have a hard time to
understand *exactly* what you mean.

There must be some better way around this than adding 2000 ifdefs all
around the code, which frankly doesn't sound acceptable to me. Sure,
some ifdefs can be added, but in as few places as possible. Some
clever use of the C preprocessor defining names of  global variables
as function calls retuning a pointer to function-local static data
instead, or some clever preprocessing script used for Symbian
compilations, or whatever.


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