gtk frame printing


I have an application from which I would like to extract the content of a gtk_frame in order to print it (and perhaps to preview it). This gtk_frame is attached to a gtk_table which is atatched itself to a gtk_window (so I can place this frame in the window).
Up to now, I launch a pthread in order to start xwd (and then I convert the dumped file in a ps one in oprder to send it to the printer) but this gives only a dump of the full screen; this is quite an heavy process and doesn't allow me to select only a part of the screen.
Any suggestion dear friends ?
Best regards.

Pascal Bonfils
fn:Pascal BONFILS / 06 85 11 81 51
adr:;;190 rue Lecourbe;Paris;;75015;France
email;internet:bonfils mcsi-tech com
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