Re: [Patch] GdkPixbuf's GIF loader should set invalid delay times to 100ms, not 20ms

The bug got closed as WONTFIX, but I feel the explanation given is insufficient.

I don't think you'll be able to prove that "most other software" claim in any
meaningful way.

I've done an admittedly quick test in Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X of
various applications capable of displaying images. I left
GdkPixbuf-based applications out for obvious reasons. The results:

 No correction performed: 1.1.3 (Windows) 2.0 (Windows, OS X, Linux)
   Quicktime 7.1 (Windows, OS X)

 Delays less than 20ms set to 100ms
   Epiphany 2.17.92 (Linux)
   Firefox 1.5.06, Firefox 2 (Windows)
   IrfanView 3.99 (Windows)
   Safari 2.0.4 (OS X)

 Clamp to value < 100ms
   Windows Media Player 9, clamps to 50ms or so (Windows)
   RealPlayer 10, clamps to unknown value around 20-50ms (OS X)

 Clamp to 100ms
   Internet Explorer 6 (Windows)
   Konqueror 3.5 (Linux)
   Gwenview 1.4.0 (Linux)
   Opera 9 (OS X, Windows)

None of these applications behave like GdkPixbuf - the closest was
Windows Media Player 9. Even in Linux, the only application I could
find that corrected to 20ms was gthumb (which uses GdkPixbuf).

Given that the GIF specification leaves unspecified how to deal with
GIFs with 0ms delay times, I feel it makes more sense to comply with
the most popular implementations. Especially when the only way a
developer can work around GdkPixbuf's design is to implement their own
loader, a time-consuming and error-prone process.

And I don't like the discontinuity of your proposed change.

I do not understand what this means. Do you mean that you dislike the
"smart correction" idea? In that case, why not simply disregard it and
instead use the patch that emulates Epiphany's behaviour? The two
patches are completely separate, and in fact conflict with each other.

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