Re: GTK+ Love


On 3/3/07, Bob Murphy <bob murphy palmsource com> wrote:
This all sounds like a great idea. I work for a company that's
actively using and modifying various open-source components,
including GTK+, and this would be a good way to get involved with the
community and learn how to submit changes back to the trunk. Also,
some of the listed bugs are for GtkCalendar, and I've been adding
features and working on its internals lately, so they'd almost be a

Great, thanks for helping! While this gtk-love effort does not get any
"official" support I'd recommend that you just assign any of the bugs
to yourself, send the patch, add any bug you think might be addecuate
to the wiki... etc.

Would you like to set up a meeting on IRC some day to discuss about
this? Which day and time would be convenient to you?

This sounds great, too.

For instance, I've written a cell renderer that has a bug related to
size negotiation. The cell contains text, and we don't want its
containing list to scroll horizontally; instead, if the text is too
wide for the list, we want the text to wrap and the cell to get
taller. How to do this? Who knows? Once I figure it out, I'll be
happy to write documentation - and if anybody has pointers, tips,
starting places, etc., it would be much appreciated.

So, I think I will just dump whatever I have in a wiki somewhere and
then send the link back to the list so we can discuss what kind of
documentation would be good for starting gtk+ hackers. Other areas of
the "standard" gtk+ doc that are in need of love will be glad to
receive patches too, I guess :)

- Bob Murphy

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