Re: GtkCanvas requirements?


Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
Now for the other use-case... in GNOME we don't have much experience
with loading SVG-like things and then manipulating them (think Flash).
Maybe we can find someone with Flash experience to comment on what API
would be helpful to them?

For most Flash usage, API really is not the issue... people do it like HTML, where they write the markup then add a little bit of scripting (for Flash, it isn't literally markup, but what I mean is 'data not code'). Unlike HTML, the data part is edited in a dedicated app rather than written by hand or using templates.

When I used Flash, I created a blank rectangle in the editor app, then did everything programmatically from ActionScript - but this is _clearly_ the thing that 0.01% of programmer freaks do, not something that would be common among people who use Flash. No Flash books or docs would suggest doing it this way.

One of the big reasons Flash is popular is that graphic designers can use it without knowing how to program.

The Flash API looks similar to GnomeCanvas or the DOM in that it's a tree of display objects. It's much simpler than either one of those though, there's no layout, there are only a few kinds of item, etc.


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