Re: GTK+ 2.10 on track for GNOME 2.16?

Jeff Waugh wrote:
<quote who="Matthias Clasen">

I am still trying to get 2.9 releases out before the end of April,
although it is looking a bit tight. Need to get the async filechooser
branch merged first. As soon as that has happened, I'll go into release
Does it feel/look like you'll meet the May target mentioned in the 2.10 plan
page? I'd start feeling uncomfortable if it slipped much beyond May or June,
from our previous experiences with synching GTK+ and GNOME releases. There's
great stuff in 2.10 that would be disappointing to miss out on. :-)
I'd like to start implementing a UI for setting colour schemes in the 
theme capplet, but I obviously don't want to introduce a GTK+ 2.10 
dependency to control-center, and then have to roll it back later. It'd 
be nice if we could have a firm commitment on this sooner rather than later.

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