Re: Deprecations

On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 15:18 -0400, David Hampton wrote:
> > Would it make sense to mark all of the deprecated API in GLib and GTK+
> > with G_GNUC_DEPRECATED, so that people who are not using the
> > DISABLE_DEPRECATED macros still get warned that they are using
> > deprecated functions?  At the moment it's very black and white, and I
> > think deprecation functions need a grey...
> That would break any project that compiles code using the -Werror flag.

So would upgrading the C compiler (think new gcc and the aliasing
warnings), or using a different set of headers that produces a warning
on an obscure architecture.  -Werror is a fine and mighty useful tool
for development, but a very bad idea for released code.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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