Re: Some introspection on GtkContainer children.

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
avoid composite
children unless absolutely necessary (and even then only use simple

  I don't agree it's fair to limit developers' options on code reuse
just for the sake of GUI builders.  I'd rather pack an hbox into my
widget than duplicate its layout algorithm, for example.

  The composite children should be just invisible from the point of view
of a GUI builder.  They should not appear in a .glade file at all.

    I whole-heartedly agree that managing properties on composite children
shouldnt be the task of the builder, I'd be more than willing to ditch that
functionality if:
    o I had a general consensus from the community
    o It wouldn't break compatability with older glade files that do include
      manipulation on composite children; would it be acceptable to simply
      "drop" those properties when loading the glade file ? ...

That would be a decent sacrifice to avoid enforcing gtk_widget_set_composite_name()
in GTK+ & all extension libraries...

Ideas/Comments ?


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