Re: glib: Missing translatable files

On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 02:57 +0000, Marcel Telka wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tested module glib (CVS branch HEAD) which lives
> in GNOME CVS for missing translatable files with `intltool-update -m` command.
> Here is a content of the 'missing' file:
> docs/reference/gobject/tut_gobject.xml
> Please put these files into or POTFILES.skip files. Thanks.
> Note: This report is generated automatically and you are not required to reply
> to this mail. If you are not maintainer of the 'glib' module or this
> CVS branch is obsolete or you don't want similar report in future, tell me
> and I will stop this report generation.

If you can't fix the bug in your script (I don't know what it is, but
there is nothing translatable in that file, and there is no reason it
should be in POTFILES.skip), please stop generating reports for GLib.


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