Re: Clipboard improvements, II

At 05:44 24.05.04, James Henstridge wrote:
On 23/05/2004 11:13 PM, Hans Breuer wrote:

Apps are free to advertise whatever targets they want on the clipboard.
What we may be missing is convenience api on par with
gtk_clipboard_set_text(), gtk_clipboard_request_text() for nontextual

Certainly. I've searched quite some time to find _any_ gtk application which is able to copy&paste more than just text - across process boundaries. If anybody knows one please speak up ;-)

Try Gnumeric. If you copy a range of cells, you can paste it into Emacs as formated text, an HTML editor as a table, or another instance of Gnumeric as a range of cells (with all formulas intact). It is quite a good example of content negotiation.

But it still does not support copying image via Clipboard, or di I miss this? I should have been more clear with what I would like to be able to do :

- copy images to clipboard via cross-platform gtk/gdk code (could replace my winclipboard plug-in delivered with Gimp)

- copy vector data to Clipboard (one of the major drawbacks of Dia - at least on windoze - is it's diability to just copy some stuff and paste it into say word)

From a brief look at the OLE clipboard docs on MSDN, it doesn't look like there is that big a difference in how the two act. Mozilla has a cross platform API with implementations for win32 and X clipboard, so it must be possible ...

Yeah, obviously it is possible on win32 - even without OLE. The Clipboard API works with shared memory (i.e. GlobalAlloc see gimp/plug-ins/common/winclipboard.c). But on X it appears to be either so complicated or so unusual to do/want this, that nobody bothers to implement it ...

Hopefuly I'm wrong,

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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